Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Dear Friends, Family and Creepy Stalkers,

     I haven't written on here in a while. I have a lot to write about, but I forgot about my blogspot.com account. I apologize.

     We moved to Yellowstone July 5, 2011 for the season. We left Yellowstone on November 5, 2011 for six months. On May 4th, 2012, we moved back to our same apartment in Old Faithful, Yellowstone, Wyoming and here we sit.

     So far in the last month, we have done quite a bit. I've yelled at a giant wanna-be redneck (no offense to people who think I'm offensive to you), we've seen Big Horn Sheep, and more Bears than we saw all of last year. Our friend Corey Rue was lucky enough to come to Yellowstone with his Grandma and Dad for a visit, and we got to roam around the Old Faithful Inn until 3am.

     We've seen Old Faithful go off quite a bit already this year, and honestly it's not such a big deal to us anymore. It's still amazing to watch, but unless we're showing someone around, we don't usually go over and wait for it.

     I bought a book called "Yellowstone Ghost Stories", which is actually pretty good. It's more than just Ghost Stories, you can actually learn quite a bit about the park! I read a man was unhappy and bitter, so he was charging out the ass for boat tours at Yellowstone Lake back in the early 1900's. People were paying him only because he was the only boat tour, and held the only license. When he saved enough money, he purchased the largest steamboat in his fleet. Yellowstone's head-honcho's back then revoked his license because he was an ass (I'm paraphrasing, of course. Read the book) and right after the man purchased the boat, he drove it (floated it?) to Stevenson Island and set it aflame. The remnants are still somewhat there, also. I'd love to go check it out, but I'm not into renting boats for outrageous prices and for ten minutes. We'll see though, I'd love to get pictures for my hub.

     Speaking of hubs, a hub is a column of information that is not like a blog. A blog is for personal feelings, events, etc. and my hub is for traveling, and some of the more "professional" information I come up with. We go out and experience things, and bring people that information maybe to learn from our mistakes, or just to enjoy the tips we have.

     My hub's address is http://www.stefa.hubpages.com. If you like it, make your own hub and follow me. It's very easy to use, and there's plenty of things to read. Anything from recipes to how to start a business to how to make money online with your underwear wrapped around your face. Seriously, anybody with fingers (and some without) can write. I take offense to that.

     Also, another website to check out is my twitter page, which is @StefaGT. Twitter is awesome, I love it. I hate facebook.

     Our travel Twitter page is @GrovesTravels. It sounded better that Mitchell's Travels because Coty's last name is already plural and mine isn't. It's also not just me traveling, he is the driver and I navigate. Sometimes I drive and navigate, and slap the dog around, but that's because I'm a multitasking fool. Anyway, the actual name of our little information stuff is Groves & Co. Travels, because the "Co." is me and Tank. Although, Coty doesn't write anything but he doesn't give me story ideas.. so I guess he can still be included. Haha. Kidding. He also pays for everything, which I prefer since I'm a gold digger.

     Kidding. I wish we had some Gold. :)

Here's all our information again:

@GrovesTravels Twitter

@StefaGT Twitter

Groves & Co. Travels Facebook Page


Stefa's Hubpages Link

Enjoy the day.

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