During the Summer in Old Faithful, it never really got too hot. Being from Utah, we were used to 100 degrees or more, so Old Faithful's 80 degrees was nice. What bothered me more than anything in Old Faithful, besides certain foreign tourists who didn't understand that it is rude to butt in line, was the Mosquito's. In Utah, our Mosquito's are mainly small. In Old Faithful, Yellowstone, they were bigger, and actually hurt to be bitten.
Our neighbor was standing outside talking to us, and he had about twenty on his back and we had to tell him. It was disgusting. We went through SO many citronella candles, 100% Deet bugspray, and regular bug spray. We even had to buy dog bug spray because our dog was being eaten alive. We bought a big fly swatter, and our walls looked like a slaughter house for about 2 months. Every time the front door would open, at least ten Mosquito's would hijack a ride on our clothing, or wait by the door for it to open. They were everywhere. I was sure I was going to catch West Nile, or even Malaria. Ha!
We ended up having to take our dog to the vet back in Utah because his Mosquito bites became infected on his stomach, then of course he licked them and made them worse. The bug spray for dogs that we purchased is called "Flys Off" (Not Flies). It worked GREAT. For anybody who is going to a bug infested place and want to protect their dog, that's the stuff to get. Our dog has weird allergies to things, and seems to go to the vet about once every 3 months for some random thing we have never heard of a dog getting. He's allergic to Corn, Mosquitos, Biting Flies, etc. But, that is a whole different blog post about him. He's mine and Coty's travel buddy, so we seem to run into some weird issues with him when we go places we don't usually find ourselves.
Needless to say, we had so many Mosquito bites on us, it was awful. Coty is allergic to Mosquito bites, so his would turn into scabs and he looked like he had some rare form of Leprosy.
If you've ever been to the middle of no where, and tried to sleep, it's a little rough. It's ridiculously quiet, although for those few months during the Summer, we could hear the Mosquito's at night when we slept. If one got inside, it could be heard in the Kitchen from the Bedroom down the hallway. Try to sleep with buzzing all night long. I tried to find it to kill it, but ended up using ear plugs instead. Just my luck.
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